It's That Time of Year.... To Exfoliate Those Lips!
If you're like me, the cold turns my skin, lips, hair {you name it} DRY as all get out! My lips bother me in particular because every time I go to put on lipstick, I look like I've been snow skiing for a week in Jackson Hole! So, instead of spending anywhere from $15-$30 on a scrub exfoliant, I am making my own! I am due to have a baby any day now, and I received a baby gift I am stealing from my child {I will replace it, have no fear}! You know those baby toothbrushes?? The little plastic ones with tiny bristles as the end??? Well, that's your beauty tool/applicator for this {genius, I know}! You can get them pretty much anywhere for about $2.
Now, for the exfoliator! This all natural recipe smells/tastes amazing and works like a charm! And most of these ingredients you'll already have in your pantry! {so like, free!}
You'll need:
✓ 2 tbsp brown sugar
✓ 1 tbsp honey
✓ 1 tbsp coconut oil (olive oil works too)
✓ small, cleaned out lip balm pot or tupperware cup
✓ baby toothbrush (or any toothbrush would probably work)
Now, for the exfoliator! This all natural recipe smells/tastes amazing and works like a charm! And most of these ingredients you'll already have in your pantry! {so like, free!}
You'll need:
✓ 2 tbsp brown sugar
✓ 1 tbsp honey
✓ 1 tbsp coconut oil (olive oil works too)
✓ small, cleaned out lip balm pot or tupperware cup
✓ baby toothbrush (or any toothbrush would probably work)
➶ ➳ ➴
Pour ingredients into a small bowl or pot and mix thoroughly until it's nice and gooey :) Dip your little baby toothbrush into the mixture and get to scrubbing! Scrub gently in a circular motion for a few seconds, taking the brush all the way out to the creases of your lips, above and below your lip line. Once you've completely covered your lips and they are nice and sugary, rinse and be blown away! Your lips will be uber soft and supple! Complete routine with a nutrient-rich lip balm or chapstick {or you can just use some of that coconut oil you just used for the scrub!} and let them sit for a minute soaking up all the nutrients. Then apply your favorite lipstick and enjoy that perfect pout!
Ross Finds -- Makeup Review!
I found THE BEST lipsticks at Ross for $3.99 -- ALL 5! These are the Ellen Tracy Thick Stick Lip Color pack. They are very comparable to the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Stains (like, exactly like them) which are anywhere between $5.99 - $8.99 A PIECE! And I got 5 for half the price of one! (can you imagine?) ((old lady voice there)). Well, needless to say, go check out your Ross and see if they have them! You won't regret that deal! 
Next, the faux lash set by JLB Cosmetics.. this set is actually pretty awesome! It was $1.49 I think and it came with the faux lashes (duh), liquid eyeliner, and shimmer eye powder! FOR under $2!!! AHHH it's too much! (but not really, cause it's so cheap)! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the eyeliner. It went on sooo smooth and didn't rub or fade or run down my face -- SCORE! With the lashes, I always cut mine in half and put them in the outer corner of my eyes (my lashes are naturally pretty long - I know, hate me), so I just give them a little extra length and volume. These worked GREAT! Didn't use the shimmer powder and it's more costumey, but it will be great to have on the off chance I need to dress up as someone who wears silver shimmer eye makeup ;) I'm going to go back and get all the rest of the packs they have!!!! 

A Tea Party Shower for Ramsay Kate!
So my amazing friends and family threw me the most beautiful baby shower you could ever imagine!!! The theme was Alice in Wonderland (also her nursery's theme -- pics to come). It was magical!
{July 18}
{August 6, 2013}
So I thought I'd give you an update on my ever-growing belly! I am entering my 26th week on Thursday and am looking forward to being in my 3rd trimester soon! I have been registering and shopping for Ramsay Kate, and it makes me want her to be here already!!!
Here is me and my friend Rachel, who is one week behind me!
Preggo bellies are so cute!
Stay tuned as I have showers coming up and the nursery is underway!
More to come!!!
More to come!!!
Accomplishment is a Privilege
This is no new discovery, I know; but until you make the commitment to being accomplished, you will have a very hard time in day-to-day life. Feeling overwhelmed causes fear, anxiety, unnecessary stress, haggardness, and sleep deprivation {in my personal opinion}. Why feel any of this if you don't have to!? To solve this not-so-difficult equation is simple....
- Set some goals -- Goals are great because {speaking of feeling accomplished} they set a standard for whatever it is your are trying to achieve. Set long-term goals and short-term goals and what you need to do to get them done!
- Prioritize these goals -- Let's face it, cleaning the baseboards may not be as important as doing your hubby's laundry or preplanning your week of meals, so rearrange your goals and make sure you are getting done what you should be getting done in order of importance {daily}.
- Make lists accordingly -- Once your goals are in order, start making lists of what you would like to accomplish daily. Whether it's written out or on your phone, make them! Marking things of IS SO MUCH FUN! Include the most important things for that day and don't freak out if you don't get it done that day!
- GET TO WORK! -- Start getting things done! If you can delegate chores or things on your to-do list, then do it! If that is not an option, just start at the top! {This is why you have prioritized, see!}
- Take pride in your accomplishments -- Cooking an excellent meal feels great! Having your husband or significant other admire a clean home is so nice! So, take pride in your things and your health... you will feel so good once you have. And you know that old saying, that one good act leads to another??? IT'S TRUE!
{July 19, 2013}
Finding My Positive Body Image During Pregnancy
For those who don't know, this is my first pregnancy. My first time feeling extra pounds on my body. My first time feeling fatigued to the point of falling asleep standing up. My first time not being able to wear whatever I want. You get it, right? Being an athlete all my life; and in recent years a fitness enthusiast and trainer, all of these body changes have been overwhelming at times.
Not to say I haven't had body image issues in the past... I have. In high school I experienced a small bout of an eating disorder, and in college it went into full-blown anorexia. Fortunately, with the help of friends, family and my Savior, I came out of it. It's a struggle every day. So you can imagine that all of these changes more than freaked me out! In the beginning I thought, "ok, this is really not what I signed up for." I felt no control {hello, Type A, perfectionist, prone-to-eating disorders psycho!}. It was just something I just hadn't prepared myself for -- because you really can't until it happens.
Moving forward though, my focus has shifted. I finally realized how selfish it is to worry about your body when you are carrying your own child -- I mean, shouldn't {she} be the focus??? Duh, Kati! You are being selfish!!!! So, with much encouragement from my wonderful husband and family/friends, my body image has changed for the better. I am now enjoying pregnancy much more and feel very special. I also feel much more enthused to exercise and eat healthy because I am happier. I'm sure Ramsay Kate appreciates this :)
I feel like there has to be many other women out there that feel the same way I do... The loss of control makes you do weird things. Especially if you are Type A or have been through an eating disorder. Once you let go and enjoy the ride, it becomes a lot more fun! I think that choosing to be happy and thankful is a much better way to go!!!
{June 26, 2013}
This Mama is Growing!
{June 23, 2013}
Name That Baby!
So we have decided on a name.... Ramsay Katherine Milam... We will be calling her Ramsay Kate. Double names are so southern, of course, and even though it's a mouthful; we couldn't be happier! My maiden name is Ramsay (very Scottish) and she will be fourth generation Katherine :)
{June 22, 2013}
It's a girl!!!
Well, we were totally wrong! It's a girl! She was 9 oz. at the ultrasound and everything looked good! We are so excited to welcome Ramsay Katherine Milam in November! We are going to call her Ramsay Kate! I will keep you posted on the pregnancy as we move right along!
{June 20, 2013}
Boy or Girl????
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